Monday, April 6, 2015

Free will vs. Fate (The Matrix)

In my opinion, the Matrix is a representation of fate because of the Oracle's predictions. Fate can be defined as the development of a person's control determined by a supernatural power. Regardless of the person's decisions throughout their life. Free will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. 
Regardless of the characters decisions, I believe the outcome would have remained the same. The Oracle said that Trinity would fall in love with the one. Even without knowing Neo was the one, Trinity began to fall in love with him when she brought him food his first night. Also, the Oracle told Morpheus he will find the one, Regardless of his decisions, Morpheus was destined to find the one, and he did. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Giving Thanks

With the holidays approaching, I often reflect on the people who have made me the person I am today. One person/animal who truly defines me as a person is my dog, Princess. My relationship with her is the best example of a perfect friendship. I always want the best for her, and I know she feels the same way towards me. We do everything together. We watch tv together, go on the computer together, and sleep together every night. While I shower, she sits in the bathroom and waits for me. When ever I'm in a bad mood, she cheers me up with cuddles and kisses. I can't imagine my life without her. There is a quote I love, "a dog is a man's best friend." This is so true because I feel like dog's are the only people you can truly trust in this world. You can tell them all your secrets, and they would never leak. A dog will never betray you, especially when you need them most. I love Princess, and am so thankful to have her in my life.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Harry Potter House Assignment

If the sorting hat were to choose my house, I believe it would put me in Gryffindor. I think I would belong in Gryffindor because they are known to be very brave. I am not afraid of much. I am very adventurous and love a good challenge, both physically and mentally. I participate in many extreme sports, and I love the thrill of them. I am also very kind and genuine. As much as I like to succeed, I hate when things are unfair or unjust. I like to win fairly and do not believe in cheating. I feel the ultimate guilt when I do not follow the rules or do something that will disappoint someone else. I believe you should treat others the way you wish to be treated, and I believe that trait is often portrayed in the Gryffindor house.

Aristotle's Friendship

Aristotle defines friendship in three ways. Friends who are friends for utility, due to pleasure, and because they genuinely love each other and wish the best for the other.

Often times in school, kids will use each other to benefit themselves and become "friends". An example of Aristotle's "utility friends" would be someone who doesn't have their own car or a license becoming "friends" with someone who does. They will use the person with their car to drive them to and from school, to the mall, and to parties and not pay them for gas. In reality, they probably wouldn't be friends with the person if they didn't have a car. If you got your car taken away as punishment though, your so-called-friends may not ask you to hang out anymore because you don't bring anything beneficial to the table anymore.

On my cheer team there are girls who are only friends during the season. They share the same interests therefore they are friends while they are participating in the same things, Once the season ends though, they no longer hang out anymore. The pleasure is removed, and their friendship no longer has anything to strive on. Once the season begins again, they will be friends and hang out all the time, because the common pleasure is intact.

A perfect friendship is only achieved when each friend wants the best for the other, My friendshup with my older sister, Kyleigh, is an example of a perfect friendship. Kyleigh and I always want the best for each other. No matter what happens, I want her to be happy in life and to be successful. She also wants the same for me. Whenever I have a big competition, she is always there supporting me. When she found out I'm going to Nationals, she said she wants to come, even though it will be very expensive for her to travel. I have attended all of her National tournaments for softball as well, traveling to North Carolina, Virginia, and Ohio. I would travel across the world to see my sister play softball because I love watching her succeed. We are an example of a perfect friendship because our love for each other will never die.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Aristotle's Four Character Traits

Virtuous: Leigh Ann Tuohy ~ The Blind Side
Leigh Ann Tuohy, is  a perfect example of virtuous. In the movie, she houses and feeds a young boy (Michael Oher) so he can fulfill his God given talent to play football. She was judged many times throughout the movie for doing this, but never hesitated once. Eventually, she helped him get his grades up so he can get into a Division 1 football program, where he excelled enough to make it into the NFL. Without Leigh Ann's dedication and kindness, Michael Oher may've never made it to where he is today.

Continent: Gerry Bertier ~ Remember the Titans
Gerry Bertier was an exceptional football player who played on one of the first integrated high school football teams in the country. At first, Bertier struggled to accept some of the African American players because to was so out of the norm. Despite his feelings in the beginning of the movie, Bertier accepts all of his teammates, and becomes especially close to African American boy, Julius Cambell.

Incontinent: Cady Heron ~ Mean Girls
In the movie Mean Girls, Cady Heron moves from Africa to a new high school. Throughout the movie, Cady is influenced by a group of girls who call themselves the Plastics. The Plastics basically run the school, and are very mean and bullies. But at the end of the movie, the Plastics turn on Cady and she realizes how it feels to be on the other side of the bullying and is remorseful and tries to make up for her mistakes.

Vicious: Bob Ewell ~ To Kill a Mockingbird
In To Kill a Mockingbird, Bob Ewell was a vicious man throughout the book. He put an innocent man on trial, lied under oath, and forced his daughter to lie under oath to protect himself after he beat his daughter. After the trial ended, he tried to murder the opposing lawyers children, after their father humiliated Ewell in public.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Summer of 2014

Although my summer was fairly uneventful, it was definitely one to remember.

Most of my summer was spent hanging out with friends, whether it be at the beach, at the pool, or just around Lowell. In this picture, I am with two of my friends from Mr. Murphy's sophomore year history class, Michelle and Danny. I saw them numerous times over the summer and whenever we met up we were sure to have a fantastic time.

Over the course of summer I attended a few concerts. This picture was taken before the Luke Bryan concert at Gillette Stadium. This was the best concert I have ever been to. The set list consisted of Cole Swindell, Lee Brice, Dierks Bentley, and Luke Bryan. We were in the pit section and I was less than 5 feet away from the stage. This concert was one of the highlights of my summer.

A major news story that struck close to home this summer was the Market Basket protest. Workers and shoppers protested the store after Artie S. ousted Artie T. as CEO.

In July 13, Germany became the champions of the World Cup. The World Cup is event that occurs every four years. This was a major accomplishment for the Germans.