Sunday, September 14, 2014

Aristotle's Four Character Traits

Virtuous: Leigh Ann Tuohy ~ The Blind Side
Leigh Ann Tuohy, is  a perfect example of virtuous. In the movie, she houses and feeds a young boy (Michael Oher) so he can fulfill his God given talent to play football. She was judged many times throughout the movie for doing this, but never hesitated once. Eventually, she helped him get his grades up so he can get into a Division 1 football program, where he excelled enough to make it into the NFL. Without Leigh Ann's dedication and kindness, Michael Oher may've never made it to where he is today.

Continent: Gerry Bertier ~ Remember the Titans
Gerry Bertier was an exceptional football player who played on one of the first integrated high school football teams in the country. At first, Bertier struggled to accept some of the African American players because to was so out of the norm. Despite his feelings in the beginning of the movie, Bertier accepts all of his teammates, and becomes especially close to African American boy, Julius Cambell.

Incontinent: Cady Heron ~ Mean Girls
In the movie Mean Girls, Cady Heron moves from Africa to a new high school. Throughout the movie, Cady is influenced by a group of girls who call themselves the Plastics. The Plastics basically run the school, and are very mean and bullies. But at the end of the movie, the Plastics turn on Cady and she realizes how it feels to be on the other side of the bullying and is remorseful and tries to make up for her mistakes.

Vicious: Bob Ewell ~ To Kill a Mockingbird
In To Kill a Mockingbird, Bob Ewell was a vicious man throughout the book. He put an innocent man on trial, lied under oath, and forced his daughter to lie under oath to protect himself after he beat his daughter. After the trial ended, he tried to murder the opposing lawyers children, after their father humiliated Ewell in public.


  1. Ew Bob Ewell is vicious! I hate that guy.

  2. Great Blog. Question: How do you think Sandra Bullock's husband felt about her relationship with Michael Oher in "The Blind Side"? Kind of odd if you ask me... I bet there were a few fights in that household about it that they didn't show in the motion picture.

  3. I really like the photo you chose as your "Continent" example. Keep 'em coming.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The pictures you chose were great and your explanations are even greater. Keep up the hard work and the awesome blog!

  6. That was a great idea using Bob Ewell as the vicious example!

  7. Bob Ewell is a bad man. #SoVicious

  8. Literally such good movies, perfect examples!

  9. Great movies. I'm a huge fan of To Kill a Mockingbird.

  10. Really good example from TKAM

  11. Really good examples! I love your example from the movie Mean Girls

  12. I like your examples on the character types! I think they're accurate and descriptive!

  13. Movie examples are the easiest to follow and the best. Great pictures to go along with text.

  14. Interesting examples, very good job. Keep up the good work
